A spongy roll with custard spread and soft strawberries dipped in sugar syrup as filling, covered with chocolate ganache and a mild whipped cream flavoured with vanilla.
The strawberries were very soft, from the frozen batch leftover from the day we went strawberry picking (sooo... many... strawberries...). When defrosted (by leaving it at RTP) you get bags of pulpy, watery strawberries which are frankly disgusting to touch, but they still taste nice. Apart from that, if you eat these defrosting strawberries while they are still in this half icy-half pulpy stage, they feel like mini portions of strawberry sorbet. Mmm.
We had just enough for a slice a person... a really mini cake. Interestingly, you only need to bake the sponge cake layer for 10minutes! And this is another recipe from that cookbook of mine using meringues, how terrible. What is her obsession with them??

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